There is undoubtedly an element of eerie mixed with forgotten sorrows when it comes to places in the world that have been abandoned by humankind. These places are incredible sights to see. They are also troubling because of the sheer emptiness of their lonely placement. Most of these places you can visit, if you dare, or if you enjoy the forgotten past. Here are a couple of abandoned locations that might interest you as a traveler.
El Hotel del Salto, Colombia
Once an architect’s mansion stood on cliffs near majestic tropical falls, this massive structure was abandoned by its wealthy owner. It later became a hotel for travelers in the 1950’s who sought romance in exotic locations. It went dormant again for many years because people believed (and still believe!) that it was haunted. Now it has been made into a museum of history. It is otherwise entirely devoid of human life most of the days of the week.
Power Plant IM, Charleroi, Belgium
This industrial power plant burned tons of coal to create power for many years. It is now an empty and silent hull, overrun with moss and resembling a futuristic apocalyptic apartment building. If you stand near the top on one of the many bridges that cross the center of the plant, you can almost hear the distant roar of coal burning in massive machinery and the echoes of workers long gone.
Eastern State Penitentiary
Once home to some of America’s most infamous criminals, this penitentiary is silent except for the scattering sounds of rats and mice and other wildlife running through it. It was featured on an episode of Ghosthunters for its many supposed hauntings and ghost sightings. During the day, however, it just seems very sad and forlorn. The wind whistling through its empty and decrepit halls may send a chill down your back, but it can be toured regularly.
So Many Many More
People have built and abandoned hundreds of structures over the centuries. As a result, there’s probably one or more structures to visit very near you. Go check them out on your next vacation, if you dare.