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No matter the time or distance, flying can be tough to get through. Sitting in one place for hours with not much to do is never fun, but there are many ways to pass the time. Here are some of the things you can do to pass the time while on your next flight:

Watch movies

This is the perfect time to watch the movies on your wish list and catch up with those you have missed. Most airlines have multiple movie selections nowadays. If you have a specific movie you want to watch, download it before the journey and store it on your device. Also, carry your backup headphones, although most airlines offer them for long flights.

Read a book

Grab a book at the airport stores before the trip. There are many excellent books from writers like Ted Conover and Pico Iyer, to name a few that can help you while away the time. Travel books are a great way to keep your spirits high if you are traveling.


Prepare a playlist of your favorite music that will help pass the time on your trip. However, airlines also have a music collection on many channels that you may like. To be safe, bring along your device.

Play games

Challenge yourself with your favorite games and puzzles. When you solve puzzles, you enjoy, and at the same time, you idle away time. You can play games via apps or books with pages of puzzles from a bookstore.

Also, you can play card games with your seat-mate if they are great in them. Depending on your packing restrictions, an electronic gaming device can come in handy, like the portable Sony Playstations.


Do some in-seats workouts to help increase your blood circulation and prevent any possible blood clots during long flights. Get up and move around the cabin to help break up the flight time. Look for workouts that help stretch muscles during long flights online.

Talk to someone

Starting a conversation with your neighbor may not sound good because not everyone is open to talking. To engage in a conversation, take note of your neighbor’s tone and body language. Engaging in conversations with a stranger can be an exciting experience to pass the time.